NATIONAL BAR NEWS President Rosier, Vice-President Crump and Roland Martin
President Rosier, Vice-President Crump and political analyst Roland Martin are set to speak during a Stand Your Ground rally in Tallahassee on March 10, 2014. The rally will focus on amending controversial self-defense laws around the US. Other speakers include Rep. Corrine Brown (D-FL), Tom Joyner, Rev. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the families of Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis.
Affordable Care Act Sign-Up Deadline
President Barack Obama has called on African American organizations to encourage their membership to sign-up for affordable health care and inspire others to learn more about helping further the cause. Our commitment will help reduce long standing disparities in health care. Across the United States, millions of Americans now have access to quality affordable health care, including many African Americans nationwide. Let’s work together to help African Americans#GetCovered.
President-Elect Meanes Receives Missouri Honor President-Elect Pamela Meanes, a partner in Thompson Coburn LLP’s Business Litigation practice, is among a group of distinguished legal professionals from Missouri chosen as a 2014 Women’s Justice Awards winner by Missouri Lawyers Weekly. The annual awards recognize top women lawyers, judges, law students and legal professionals in the state for their contributions to the profession as practitioners or as ambassadors for the profession. Read More here.
Benjamin Crump: “Stand Your Ground is the ‘don’t miss law'”
Vice-President Crump, in a speech to Memphis lawyers and judges, said that controversial Stand Your Ground laws are “don’t miss laws.” The stories of Jordan Davis and Trayvon Martin are a grim reminder that perpetrators are less likely to be convicted, under Stand Your Ground self-defense laws, if they hit their intended targets. Crump told the crowd of the importance of the National Bar Association and the necessity of blacks serving on juries. Crump believes more local bar associations should host expungement clinics across the country to increase voter registration and to impact juries and jury verdicts. The National Bar Association will host an expungment training event during its Mid-Year conference in March and will discuss controversial Stand Your Ground laws during its annual Legislative Day on the Hill.
National Bar International Trip to Latin America
Space is filling up fast, book today! Contact Chris Renshaw at Georgia International at (404) 974-4883 or register here.
89th Annual Convention Rates for Government, Non-Profit Organizations and Judicial Council Members
Attendees within the government, non-profit sectors and the Judicial Council should remember to register for this year’s convention under a designated rate. Learn more and register today!
Women Lawyers Division Annual Supreme Court Swearing-In
The National Bar Association Women Lawyers Division wishes to invite all members of the National Bar who have not been admitted to the Bar of the United States Supreme Court to participate in its Annual Supreme Court Swearing- In Ceremony on May 27, 2014. Completed applications are due no later than May 5, 2014. You are encouraged to download the application from the Supreme Court’s Learn morehere.
2014 1L Summer Internship Program Prudential Financial, Inc.
The National Bar Association is pleased to partner with Prudential Financial, Inc. (Prudential) to provide a meaningful summer internship opportunity to a highly-motivated first-year law student. Through this partnership, National Bar Association will select a student to join the 2014 summer law intern class at Prudential for a 10-week internship at Prudential’s offices, for a stipend of approximately $10,000. Internship positions will be located in the New Jersey tri-state area. Deadline: March 14, 2014Apply today!Pro Bono Panel for the United States Court of Appeals for the 2nd Court
The Criminal Justice Act/Pro Bono Committee is accepting applications for service on the Pro Bono Panel. The deadline is Friday, May 2, 2014. Please refer to the Court’s official announcement here. The Plan for the Appointment of Pro Bono Counsel and the application form are available here.
CBLA Deadline Extended
The CBLA program encourages potential leaders in each of the respective minority bars and the ABA to seek leadership positions in their respective bar associations. The inaugural program was launched last year at Target’s HQ in Minneapolis and the NBA had a respectable showing at the event. The 2014 program is scheduled to be held again at Target’s headquarters June 26 – 28. The new deadline isMonday, March 10 at 8:00 p.m. EST. Read more.
ABA Diversity Fellowship Program
The Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division established the Diversity program to promote diversity within the Division while providing leadership development opportunities within the Division for women, attorneys of color, and those with disabilities and persons of differing sexual orientations and gender identities. Review the guidelines and complete an application, then submit a nomination to the GPSolo Diivision at Nomination applications must be received by April 15, 2014.